Can you make the playground stories more marketable by making some (or all) of the following changes, if possible:
Dawn Underhill
Can teachers have control over deleting (or hiding) stories so that the portal can be changed to make it look fresh?
Can teachers set their own pricing?
Can the stories approval process be stream-lined so that approval can become quicker?
Is there a way to allow any teacher (not just Koala teachers) to subscribe in order to bring students into the class with them eg multi-player, so that stories can be marketed on platforms such as Teachers Pay Teachers?
Can we have a contact teacher button so that parents can contact us from the Portal about tutoring?
Polly S
PLEASE streamline the approval process and allow teachers to have control over their own pricing and deleting/hiding stories as Dawn listed. These are the barriers that keep me from using Playground Stories like I personally had intended.
Learning Re-engineered
It would be great if teachers had a say on what link/info was in that contact teacher button.