Koala go is exactly what my children love but unfortunately most of them have not been taught how to clear their cookies,to download Google chrome or Sarafi and how if they open the classroom on Wechat they will keep having problems in class.
My parents need to watch a video in Chinese to understand what they need to do.
I have tried sending pictures, instructions through text, pdfs from Koala and more just to get them to follow all the steps in order for them to have a great class and I'm getting to the point where I think I'll need to give up.
If there is a short video in Chinese I think this will make a huge difference.
Telling them that:
They must delete cookies,
How to open the link with a browser after they open the link on wechat.
Which devices need Safari and which need Google.
How to download Google chrome.
I know that we already have materials in place but I don't know what else I can do now.